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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Trout recipe! (just a little something extra)

Hey guys! I don't have to much to talk about in the actual fishing realm so I thought id talk about a trout recipe I really like. You need to have 2 rainbow trout. Then paprika, Serrano peppers, and a tad bit of thyme. First you have to catch 2 rainbows (or buy them if your like that -_-). Then gut them and place them without skin into tinfoil. Rub the filet's with paprika and sprinkle some thyme on top. Then place half of a Serrano seeds and all into each of the filet's. Then the other half's just in the tinfoil. Grill how you prefer them. And wallah! You got some tasty trout! I've used this recipe once and it was pretty good and its fairly simple so its pretty hard to mess up!

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