Pictures, Spots, Rigs! Send em in!

If you have a picture of a monstrous fish you want us to see, a rig that works every time, a spot where its a guaranteed catch or any other tips, just e-mail it to us at or post it on our FaceBook wall at !

Monday, March 19, 2012

Early Season!?

I think that would be appropriate to say! Over here in Maryland its been fairly warm. Not just for a few days or every now and again, but constantly. This has made the water a lot warmer so now some fish are finally starting to bite. Now for bass fishermen this isn't the best news in the world just because bass like it a little warmer, but nether the less its great. Last year for me fish didn't seem to start biting until around LATE APRIL!
But this year I've caught four fish in two trips. Just bluegill but hey there still fish. There pretty big too. Trout fishing is going great too. When I was at Greenbrier state park on Friday a man on the dock caught 5 trout in 15 minutes! This other man caught two smaller bass in 30 minutes also. I only caught one fish myself but I wasn't exactly expecting much for my first run of the year. So I think that its safe to say its become a good start to an extra long season!

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